Última luta
Estatísticas e Cartel
Wins by Knockout
First Round Finishes
Precisão de striking
- Golpes Sig. Conectados
- 132
- Golpes Sig. Desferidos
- 342
Precisão De Quedas
- Quedas aplicadas
- 6
- Tentativas de queda
- 10
- Sig. Str. Defense is the percentage of significant strikes attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Takedown defense is the percentage of takedowns attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Knockdown Avg. is the average number of knockdowns per 15 Minutes window.
Golpes Sig. por área
Histórico do atleta
Fighter Facts
- Pro since 2010
- Has won four of his last six (4-1-1)
- Three wins by KO
- Three first round finishes
UFC History
UFC on ESPN (7/31/21) Chavez fought to a three-round draw with Kai Kamaka
UFC Fight Night (2/20/21) Chavez lost a three round unanimous decision to Jared Gordon
UFC 252 (8/15/20) Chavez won a three round unanimous decision over TJ Brown
When and why did you start training for fighting? Nine years old. I've always found it fun and interesting.
What ranks and titles have you held? BJJ black belt under Sensei Daniel Valverde
Do you have any heroes? I wouldn’t necessarily say heroes, but I do have people I looked up to like Simón Bolivar (freed Colombia from Spain).
What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? This is changing my life...It’s 14 years of hard work making sense of my journey.
What was your job before you started fighting? Personal trainer
Specific accomplishments in amateur competition? 3-0 kickboxing, amateur grappling and jiu-jitsu tournaments
Specific accomplishments in pro competition? Winning the Global Legion featherweight championship
Favorite grappling technique: Kimura and triangle choke
Favorite Striking technique: Jab