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"Coconut Bombz"

Maki Pitolo

Peso-médio Categoria

13-9-0 (W-L-D)


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Maki Pitolo

Histórico do atleta


When and why did you start training for fighting? I originally started training to lose weight and stay in shape during the off-season in football back in high school. The sport eventually grew on me and after seeing Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonnar on TUF1 it really turned me to pursue my career in MMA.

What ranks and titles have you held? I hold titles for Kauai cage match (170pro), Punishment in paradise amateur 185title, X1 amateur 185title, 808battlegrounds 185title, Nogi NAGA open expert division - 1st.

Do you have any heroes? My heroes are my kids, Miya Ann and Madyx. They both give me a new drive in life to be a better man and to do everything that I do to the best of my ability.

What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? Fighting in the UFC means everything to me. Ever since I saw my first fight this is what I have been pursuing, and to get my name on that roster is the first of many goals I have for myself.

What was your job before you started fighting? I’m a bartender at Da Crawfish and Crabshack during the weekend while I’m pursuing my dreams of becoming a UFC fighter.

Favorite grappling technique: RNC

Favorite Striking technique: Overhand right

Não está lutando
Cidade natal
Honolulu, Estados Unidos
Xtreme Couture - Las Vegas, NV
Estilo de luta
Estreia no UFC
Alcance das pernas

TRAINING: A typical day of training while in camp consists of 2-3 practices a day, mainly S&C in the AM and skills and sparring to follow. And lots of rest and recovery.

Thoughts on opponent, Chibwikem Onyenegecha-Palmer? He is a very game opponent; he brings an undefeated record to the table and has dangerous standup, with all his fights ending by KO.

When and why did you start training for fighting? I originally started training to lose weight and stay in shape during the off-season in football back in high school. The sport eventually grew on me and after seeing Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonner on TUF1 it really turned me to pursue my career in MMA.

What ranks and titles have you held? I hold titles for Kauai cage match (170pro), Punishment in paradise amateur 185title, X1 amateur 185title, 808battlegrounds 185title, Nogi NAGA open expert division - 1st.

Do you have any heroes? my heroes are my kids, Miya Ann and Madyx. They both give me a new drive in life to be a better man and to do everything that I do to the best of my ability.

What would it mean for you to fight in the UFC? Fighting in the UFC means everything to me. Ever since I saw my first fight this is what I have been pursuing, and to get my name on that roster is the first of many goals I have for myself.

What was your job before you started fighting? I’m a bartender at Da Crawfish and Crabshack during the weekend while I’m pursuing my dreams of becoming a UFC fighter.

Favorite grappling technique: RNC

Favorite Striking technique: Overhand right