Última luta
Estatísticas e Cartel
Wins by Knockout
Wins by Submission
First Round Finishes
Precisão de striking
- Golpes Sig. Conectados
- 15
- Golpes Sig. Desferidos
- 31
Precisão De Quedas
- Quedas aplicadas
- 2
- Tentativas de queda
- 3
- Sig. Str. Defense is the percentage of significant strikes attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Takedown defense is the percentage of takedowns attempted against a fighter that do not land.
- Knockdown Avg. is the average number of knockdowns per 15 Minutes window.
Golpes Sig. por área
Histórico do atleta
- Pro since 2017
- Six wins by KO, one by submission (RNC)
- Four first-round finishes
UFC Fight Night (10/14/23) Oliveira lost a three round unanimous decision to Tainara Lisboa
When and why did you start training for fighting? I started in 2011. My first contact I had with fights was watching Rocky Balboa’s movies with my mom, before she lost her vision, since she was a big fan of those movies. Then after that, I started training Muay Thai to become the first fighter from my city.
What ranks and titles have you held? Bahia State BJJ champ. Kickboxing champ and a few MMA belts.
Do you have any heroes? I love Wonder Woman. I identify with her so much that I dress like her for my fights and consider myself the Brazilian Wonder Woman.
What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? The dream of my life coming true. Every night before sleeping I’d imagine myself signing a UFC contract and today, I can’t believe it really happened.
Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? Yes, I have majors in Nutrition and finishing another one in Physical Education
What was your job before you started fighting? I used to work as a personal trainer, and I worked as a nutritionist for a clinic every Saturday.
Specific accomplishments in pro competition? MMA champ of LKC, IFC, Piemonte Fight and Calmon Fight
Ranks in any martial arts styles: BJJ brown belt, Muay Thai brown prajied
Favorite grappling technique: Double leg
Favorite Striking technique: Spinning elbow