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Wins by Knockout
Wins by Submission
First Round Finishes
UFC Fight Night (9/28/24) Lapilus won a three round unanimous decision over Vince Morales
UFC on ESPN (6/8/24) Lapilus won a three round unanimous decision over Cody Stamann
UFC Fight Night (1/13/24) Lapilus lost a three round unanimous decision to Farid Basharat
UFC Fight Night (9/2/23) Lapilus won a three round unanimous decision over Caolan Loughran
UFC Fight Night (9/3/16) Lapilus won a three round unanimous decision over Leandro Issa
UFC Fight Night (11/21/15) Lapilus lost a three round unanimous decision to Erik Perez
UFC Fight Night (6/20/15) Lapilus stopped Ulka Sasaki via strikes at 1:26 of the second round
UFC Fight Night (4/11/15) Lapilus won a three round unanimous decision over Rocky Lee
When and why did you start training for fighting? I started training three years ago in BJJ.
Training: Start with 10am physical conditioning, rest, English class, [then] MMA sparring at 8.00 pm
What ranks and titles have you held? I hold the belt of two local MMA shows called "100% Fight" and "KOC."
Do you have any heroes? My brother, Damien Lapilus
What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? It is a dream come true.
Did you go to college and if so what degree did you earn? I was in college and I studied welding.